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Evolution is now.

To balance our chakras, we need to go through some degree of healing.  That is why it is strongly recommended to receive the "Karmic Freedom" and "Ancestral Harmony" sessions before receiving the "Chakra Balancing" one.

Energetic blockages are transformed. Negative energetic residues are transmuted.  Changes take place.  New connections allow us to vibrate with higher frequencies, bringing us closer to our real frequency. Balancing...  Harmonization...  Preparing us for a quantum energetic expansion.

This is what "Chakra Balancing" offers:

  • purging each chakra from energetic residues carrying low frequencies

  • transforming blockages locked in your chakras

  • repairing energetic circuits within the chakras themselves (and around them) so that the energy can flow freely

  • awakening the divine spark in each chakra
  • bringing balance into your physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, psychological realms by repairing the layers of your aura and bringing expansion into them
  • assisting you into transmuting the Old and welcoming the New by aligning your chakras into one integrated flow of Life
  • preparing your energy for higher frequencies

Note: After purchasing the session, the client will need to provide this info:  name, date of birth, city and country, a recent picture.  Pictures contain the person's energy.  It will then be used to connect with the hyper dimensional frequential data contained in the client's energy.

An hour before the session, I will start meditating on the client's energy and situation.  This is also done in order to create a sacred and protected healing space. The session usually lasts an hour.  Then, a written report is sent to the client.

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$85 CDN

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