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Flowing Energy

Evolution is now.

The type of Distant Energy Cleansing I perform is directed at your living or working/business space to make your healing deeper and more effective.


This can be beneficial in general to enhance the energy in the space where you live or work, especially if there have been conflicts, fights, deaths, illnesses, depression, or any other type of negative situations or energy (including uninvited spirits, entities, or ghosts) in your living or working environment.


The energy of the people who live and work around you remains in your environment and affects your energy field. If their energy is that of love and support, you have nothing to worry about, but if it is negative energy due to anger, jealousy, anxiety, resentment or pain (as in the case of physical or mental illness), it clings to you and affects your perception.

The benefits of such a clearing are:

  • Feeling protected and safe where you live or work

  • Enjoying a peaceful and empowering atmosphere

  • Experiencing a loving and supportive environment

  • Feeling lighter and energized

  • Preventing emotional and health issues

Note: After purchasing the session, the client will need to provide this info:  their name, date of birth, city and country, address of the premisses and a picture. Pictures contain the premises' energy..  It will then be used to connect with the hyper dimensional frequential data contained in the premisses' energy field.


An hour before the session, I will start meditating on the intention of the session.  This is also done in order to create a sacred and protected healing space. The session usually lasts an hour.  Then, a written report is sent to the client.

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$265 CDN

Modern House
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