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Writer's pictureChristine Poulin

Feeling events before they happen... / Ressentir les événements avant qu'ils ne se produisent...

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

Imagine receiving frequential information about events that haven't taken place yet... Images, sounds, and emotions about future events being transmitted through grids of information... Is that even possible ? Yes, absolutely.

When we are well connected to the grids of information that surround and compose us, we can easily receive, download and process the data that is being transmitted through the morphogenetic fields that are interlaced within our realities and our own personal fields as well.

There is an eternal exchange of energy, of frequencies, of data that is taking place in us and all around us as well. Everything that is thought, done, believed and said exists as data. That very data is constantly in motion, being transmitted in all fields of information whether they are the mini fields around our DNA, our brain, our heart, the Earth, etc... or the huge conscious fields of the Universe and the multiverse.

When our antenna is working well, we can easily access the information, the data, etc... that circulates in the energetic fields that compose and surround us. We can all access that information. Our level of consciousness will allow us to access it.

I have been receiving info, images, etc... for a very long time. It is something that is natural... like breathing. We are amazing beings, able to download info, travel with our consciousness, reactivate a dormant multi dimensional potential present in our DNA, extract data from the akashic records which also exist within ourselves, etc...

Here, I would simply like to share some of the events that I felt before they took place. Here are a few examples:

September 9th, 2001: I am at a workshop. It's around 15:00. We are taking a short break. I am lying on the grass with another workshop attendant. I suddenly receive information about something that is going to take place on the morning of September 11th, on the East Coast of the USA. I see chaos, smoke, people screaming, buildings falling. I feel the emotions of the event for something like 30 minutes.

June 3rd, 2017: I am in a friend's house. He is gone. I get information that there is going to be an attack in London, on the bridge. There is fear present. I see a bridge and a vehicle. I felt this just a few minutes before it took place. The emotions were extremely intense. I went into the data with my consciousness and could see the vehicle and the people on the bridge. (lets remember that everything is data and is being transmitted outside the time-space continuum in the grids of consciousness that surround and compose us).

April 13th, 2016: I started having visions about people dying, being crushed and buried alive on the coast of Ecuador. The visions were extremely vivid, the emotions were intense. The images and what I felt lasted for hours, and hours... even days. I started getting the info three days before the event took place. It was painful to feel and to know that this was going to take place. It was a 7.8 earthquake and it killed more than 700 people.

October 23rd, 2011: I am walking in a park in Vancouver. I suddenly stop walking as I am receiving the info that there is an earthquake happening in Turkey. I close my eyes, I send light and prayers.

August 1984: I was at the Super Ex, in Ottawa, Canada, with a friend. We were talking to one another, standing in the middle of a crowd. I told my friend that we needed to move away from where we were because something was going to happen... I took his hand and we moved a few meters away from that specific spot. Less than a minute later, there was a fight, right where we were standing...

January of 1985: I was in the library, looking at books. I suddenly got the message that my mom was in a car accident. The message also said that she was ok. We received a call saying that she needed one of us as she had just gotten into a car accident. I went to see her.

There is nothing extraordinary about receiving information about things that are about to take place. We are antennas and we process information all the time. That process exists whether we are aware of it or not. We are made of frequential data. We create data all the time with our emotions, our thought-forms, our beliefs, etc... and we transmit that data to the grids of information, the grids of consciousness we are made of.

We continuously send frequential data as well. We are transmitters and receivers. We can access the info that exists in the lattices that are part of this realm and other ones as well. To think that we are separated from each other, from other dimensions, from Universal Consciousness is one of the grandest illusions that Humanity has been programed with.

The more we vibrate with high frequencies, the more we can access the info. It is "inside" and "outside" of us as well. It exists in all grids. When we understand that we are part of many types of grids, we easily can grasp that there is no "inside" nor "outside of us."

When receiving information from the grids, we can also dive into the data... We can retreive more info, get more details. We can even see if the events were natural events or created by someone.

We are consciousness and we program ourselves all the time whether we are aware of it or not. When we become conscious enough, we can feel the programs and even delete them. To feel disconnected from "Everything that is" is an illusion that has fed us for too long.

It is time for Humans to remember who they are and to reconnect with their real nature.

We can manifest better realities for the Human Race... together.

We are pure Consciousness.



-- Christine Poulin

May you walk with confidence. May you walk with consciousness.

Christine Poulin

Artist – Teacher – Channel – Speaker – Energy and shamanic practitioner

Copyright: Ascension Divine

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Ressentir les événements avant qu'ils ne se produisent...

Imaginez recevoir des informations fréquentielles au sujet d'événements qui n'ont pas encore eu lieu... Des images, des sons et des émotions portant sur des événements futurs transmis à travers des grilles d'informations... Est-ce seulement possible? Oui, absolument.

Lorsque nous sommes bien connectés aux grilles d'information qui nous entourent et nous composent, nous pouvons facilement recevoir, télécharger et traiter les données qui sont transmises à travers les champs morphogénétiques qui sont entrelacés dans nos réalités et nos propres champs personnels.

Il y a un échange éternel d'énergie, de fréquences, de données qui a lieu en nous et tout autour de nous également. Tout ce qui est pensé, fait, cru et dit existe sous forme de données. Ces données fréquentielles sont constamment en mouvement, transmises dans tous les champs d'information, qu'il s'agisse des mini-champs autour de notre ADN, de notre cerveau, de notre cœur, de la Terre, etc. ou les immenses champs conscients de l'Univers et du multivers.

Lorsque notre antenne fonctionne bien, nous pouvons facilement accéder aux informations, aux données, etc... qui circule dans les champs énergétiques qui nous composent et nous entourent. Nous y avons tous accès. Notre niveau de conscience nous permettra d'y avoir accès.

Je reçois constamment des infos, des images, des messages, des mots, des données, etc... Cela a commencé il y a très longtemps. Il s'agit de quelque chose de naturel pour moi... C'est comme la respiration! Souvenons-nous que nous sommes des êtres incroyables, capables de télécharger des informations sous forme de fréquences, de voyager avec notre conscience, de manifester de nouvelles réalités, de puiser des données dans les annales akashiques, d'activer un potentiel multi dimensionnel en dormance se trouvant dans notre ADN, etc...

Afin d'approfondir davantage, j'aimerais simplement partager certains des événements que j'ai ressentis avant qu'ils ne se produisent. En voici quelques exemples :

9 septembre, 2001: J'assiste à un atelier. Il est environ 15h00. Lors de la pause, je m'allonge sur l'herbe. Je reçois soudain des informations sur quelque chose qui va se passer le matin du 11 septembre, sur la côte Est des États-Unis. Je vois le chaos, la fumée, les gens qui crient, les bâtiments qui s'effondrent. Je ressens les émotions de l'événement pendant environ 30 minutes.

3 juin, 2017 : Je suis dans la maison d'un ami, en Équateur. Il est parti. Je reçois des informations selon lesquelles il va y avoir un attentat à Londres, sur le pont. Il y a de la peur qui est présente. J'aperçois un pont et un véhicule. Je ressens et perçois cet événement quelques heures avant qu'il n'ait lieu. Les émotions sont extrêmement intenses. Je plonge consciemment dans les données de cet événement. Je vois le véhicule et les gens sur le pont.

Note : Rappelons-nous que tout est "données", tout est "fréquences" et que tout existe en dehors du continuum espace-temps dans les grilles de conscience qui nous entourent et nous composent). Voilà pourquoi nous pouvons avoir accès à l'info qui y est inscrite.

13 avril, 2016 : Ce jour-là, j'ai commencé à avoir des visions de gens qui mouraient, qui étaient écrasés et enterrés vivants sur la côte de l'Équateur. Les visions étaient extrêmement vives, les émotions, intenses. Ce que j'ai vu et ressenti a duré des heures, et des heures... des jours même. J'ai commencé à recevoir l'information trois jours avant que l'événement n'ait lieu. C'était douloureux de ressentir de telles émotions et de savoir que cela allait se produire. Il s'agissait d'un tremblement de terre d'une magnitude 7,8 qui a tué plus de 700 personnes.

23 octobre, 2011 : Je marche dans un parc à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique, au Canada. Je m'arrête soudainement puisque je reçois de l'info qu'il y a un tremblement de terre en Turquie. Je ferme les yeux et j'envoie de la lumière et des prières dans cette direction.

Août, 1986: Je me trouve la Foire annuelle Super Ex, à Ottawa, au Canada, avec un ami. Nous parlons, debout au milieu d'une foule. Je ressens le besoin que nous changions d'endroit. Je dis à mon ami que nous devons nous éloigner de l'endroit où nous sommes parce que quelque chose allait se passer... Je lui pris la main et nous nous éloignons de quelques mètres de cet endroit précis. Moins d'une minute plus tard, il y a une bagarre, juste à l'endroit où nous nous trouvions...

Janvier, 1985: Je suis dans une bibliothèque, regardant des livres. Je reçois le message psychique que ma mère va avoir un accident de voir dans une quinzaine de minutes. Je reçois également l'info qu'elle va s'en sortir indemne. Nous recevons un appel, quelque temps après, qu'elle avait besoin de nous car elle avait eu un accident.

Il y a plusieurs autres exemples que je pourrais vous donner. Il n'y a rien d'extraordinaire à recevoir de telles informations avant que des événements prennent place dans le monde physique. Nous sommes des antennes et nous recevons constamment de l'information codée. Nous en sommes conçus, d'ailleurs. Nous créons des données par le fait même que nous existons et nous les envoyons dans les grilles d'information, les grilles de conscience qui conçoivent toute chose et tout

There is nothing extraordinary about receiving information about things that are about to take place. We are antennas and we process information all the time. That process exists whether we are aware of it or not. We are made of frequential data. We create data all the time with our emotions, our thought-forms, our beliefs, etc... and we transmit that data to the grids of information, the grids of consciousness we are made of.

We continuously send frequential data as well. We are transmitters and receivers. We can access the info that exists in the lattices that are part of this realm and other ones as well. To think that we are separated from each other, from other dimensions, from Universal Consciousness is one of the grandest illusions that Humanity has been programed with.

The more we vibrate with high frequencies, the more we can access the info. It is "inside" and "outside" of us as well. It exists in all grids. When we understand that we are part of many types of grids, we easily can grasp that there is no "inside" nor "outside of us."

When receiving information from the grids, we can also dive into the data... We can retreive more info, get more details. We can even see if the events were natural events or created by someone.

We are consciousness and we program ourselves all the time whether we are aware of it or not. When we become conscious enough, we can feel the programs and even delete them. To feel disconnected from "Everything that is" is an illusion that has fed us for too long.

It is time for Humans to remember who they are and to reconnect with their real nature.

We can manifest better realities for the Human Race... together.

We are pure Consciousness.

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